The Advanced Technology Think Tank
Sharing Ideas That Matter
  1. Conference Speakers
    We are always looking out for conference speakers. If you have a 20-25 minute presentation in an area that you are passionate about and would like to speak at our next event, please let us know. Send along a brief summary of your presentation with a title. We get back to you...
  2. Public Speakers
    If you are a Professional Speaker or you need an expert in a technology field, please reach out. We can help find talent or recommend possibly you - only if we know you and your capabilities. Come and share at an ATTT Conference and show us.
  3. Presentations
    Most speakers allow us to post their presentations and so this is the spot for that. Material is subject to copyright so we recommend communication with the author before using any material in these presentations.
Sharing Ideas Passionately
Tracking Technology Changes
In this ever-changing world, it is sometimes necessary to pause and catch up with like-minded people who are often experts in their field. The sharing of what people are working on and are passionate about leads to insights, discussions and often collaboration. It is a unique event designed for interactive discussion - with formal presentations coupled with informal sharing in "Birds of A Feather" breakouts.

Once a year, The ATTT comes together to share the latest in what Visionaries are passionate about and what they are working on. It is a small, safe, intense group of people who want to "change the world" and realize that sharing with like-minded people is the way to advance their cause.

Over 57 years in the running, ATTT topics have been diverse. That said, the latest insights, trends and technologies and their ramifications will be discussed - it is never dull. Come and be part of the process and share what you are passionate about in the technology and manufacturing space. 
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The Advanced Technology Think Tank (ATTT) was started in 1962 by award-winning educator/publisher Steve Krar to promote technology and its adoption into education and manufacturing in general. In this TEDx-like venue, we are probably the oldest continuous running event of its kind in Canada, if not North America. Consider joining this unique event this year to learn something and make new friends. ATTT really is for visionaries that are "up to something"...
Tom Gaasenbeek, ATTT Executive Director
ATTT Conference
ATTT Foundation
Our last ATTT Conference was June 6 & 7th in Welland, Ontario at the Niagara College Walker Advanced Manufacturing Innovation Centre who will be our host. Keep posted for the ATTT2020 conference most likely Thursday, June 4th to Friday, June 5th 2020.   

The ATTT Foundation is a non-profit educational board to help run ATTT and advance its educational principles. We are not yet able to give charitable tax receipts, but we hope to in the future. Consider donating time, money and other resources to help spread knowledge about technology into education and our youth. 
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